Tuesday, February 5, 2013

PRJ566 - Initial Thoughts

So in the past few months I've been designing a Game Design Document based on an idea I had while I was sick (I had a few others, but this was the most simplistic). Thankfully I had this as unfortunately none of the proposals seemed to suit our group and this idea became our group's project for PRJ566. Though I have absolutely no experience designing Java apps or games (yikes!) at least I have a good platform to move forward on. So after researching about on the Internets, I found this http://www.raywenderlich.com/12065/how-to-create-a-simple-android-game which I'm super excited about. 2D gaming doesn't have a lot of engines that are free of glitches (as no program is) or documentation to run these engines at least this game shows it's work in it's completion. I'm planning on presenting this documentation to my group and see their reactions to using it as a general framework for us to use off of.

The downside to this project is that the documentation development life cycle is still yet to be decided on. After speaking to a game designer, I've been told that waterfall (aka Standard Development Life Cycle) and Agile are the most common, and though SDLC is recommended for the course, I'm curious to see if my group would like to extend our knowledge by using the Agile development life cycle.

Also, as a side note we'll need to set up a common repository for our documents. The group seems to be thinking of GitHub (which I always think is GetHub, stupid ears), or tortoise. I haven't a lot of experience with GitHub, it sounds familiar but my brain blanks on it. Nope, just checked. Doesn't look familiar. Sounds good to me, also seems to support Eclipse. Nice. Though I wouldn't mind trying out MongoDB.

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