We have been running into problems in documentation life cycling though. The way the class is structured we're being veered into waterfall design (SDLC) which is fine, but when it comes to coding the whole group would prefer to do test driven coding (originally part of Extreme Programming Design, but recently has been gaining reputability on it's own, separate from Extreme). We'll be approaching both this semester and next semester's professors to check that this is a feasible feature before implementing it into our documentation. Seems like a good decision, yeah?
Oh, and other problem we can't seem to decide on is revenue. So far I'd like a free game, but it might be nice to gather some revenue from ads in order to pay for the server, and other unforeseen costs. My brother did warn me that he'll have to look into getting a professional license for 3DS max if we do end up making any revenue, but that's if you charge for the game, we're not so sure about advertising income... I suppose that's something else I should look into or maybe ask around, that's usually easier.
To be quite honest though, I've been incredibly nervous entrusting this game idea to other developers and designers, but thus far I'm so happy. Ivan's been doing a great job at the software architecture, even when I press him about why he's chosen the systems he has, Justin's really creative, even coming up with a ridiculous back story that was so perfect, and Natesh has been able to handle the responsibilities of project lead so well. We've had problems with people shouting and making rackets in the study rooms and he was able to handle the confrontation so well. I don't know if I could have kept my cool as well as he did in some of the situations we've had. Oh! and of course Jonathan (my brother) has even given some input on how to change the characters to make them a bit more cartoonish. I really wanted smooth lines, no sharp edges (much like the design of Lilo and Stitch) and a really soft look to the game, and he seems to completely get that. I can't wait to see how this game turns out, I'm so excited.